Monday, July 26, 2010

Is my pimple clean and moving on?

I only have 3 pimples on my face and they are all big, red and really obvious. The one on my chin secreted all this oil and I think it is clean. The one on my nose however secreted oil and blood, loads of it, but is still sore to touch. So is this clean or do I have another battle ahead? If it is clean then how can I make it heal fast?Is my pimple clean and moving on?
In order to treat acne you need to know why you have it, in other words the ROOT cause. There are three causes of acne. Imbalance hormones, toxic colon(including diet issues), and a toxic congested liver(for thoose with cystic acne). To balance hormones you might want to add essential fatty acids also known as EFAs. To treat a toxic colon you will need to an internal cleansing. I have tried diffrent ones and the best one i found was ';The Colon Cleansing Kit'; from To treat a toxic congested liver(for thoose with cystic), you will have to do a Parasite cleanse, and then you might want to do a liver cleansing. Also foods you will need to avoid :Wheat,monosodium glutamate(MSG),Aspartame, Dairy products( milk, skim milk,whey protein, ice cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, whipped cream,cheese,ice cream etc. oh and butter is ok). Avoid sugar(brown sugar, maple syrup,high fructose corn syrup, etc.). Avoid potatoes(not including sweet potatoes or yams). Avoid refined carbohydrated(white flour, cookies, cakes, pizza, crackers,chips,pancakes,grits,spaghetti,鈥?flour,white rice, white bread, macaroni,candy, etc. Avoid shellfish(shrimp, oysters,crab,lobster,etc. Avoid soda,fruit juice(high in concentreated sugars),dried fruits(figs,raisins,dates),fried foods and deep fried foods, roasted nuts,preservatives,alcohol(one you drink), and last but not least hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils. Sad but true. It has been said that food had nothing to do with acne. Remember that acne product companies dont want you to cure your acne but control it with drugs. Is my pimple clean and moving on?
try some witchazel

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