Monday, November 21, 2011

How can I get rid of my pimple?

They arent the type of pimples you can pop. They're pretty much red bumps lol. I dont want like Proactiv or something that will take a while for them to go away. I want them to go away fast. Any solutions?How can I get rid of my pimple?
You really do need an acne product to help them along -

Some people suggest toothpaste but in all reality - this is for teeth, not acne -

They generally take a good 4-8 days to heal - and killing the bacteria that causes them to start is best and why acne medication is suggested. The best answer is your face -

telling you what products do work...

Acne Free

Try a hot compress at night before you wash...

and stick to washing your face twice a day - toner is great (offers balance) then spot cream (acne)...How can I get rid of my pimple?
i want to know too! Report Abuse

i want to know too! Report Abuse

You can try to use St.Ives aprocote scrub for blemishes and blackheads works pretty good for me. Report Abuse

ZENO - you can get it at Walgreen's. It's expensive but well worth it. I have always had to manage a few pimples but recently I have been getting the same red bumps you describe. It took weeks even months to get rid of them (sometimes with a round of antibiotics). I bought the ZENO in hopes it would help. It WORKS! It's a hand held device that you place over the spot for 2.5 minutes 3 times a day. Sometimes it takes about 3 days to get rid of it but by the end of the first day you will notice a huge difference. Good Luck!
I've always heard that toothpaste worked, I know that sounds stupid but it really does work.
Go buy some ZAPZYT. It is amazing on how fast it works. I'll put it on as soon as i see a pimple start to appear, and it dries it out within the day. I love it!
use like clearisel medicine OR TRY HARDER TO POP IT

You could try drawing salve. They sell it at some pharmacies I have something called prid's drawing salve. I don't really get zits that much but had it for something else I put it on under a bandaid and the next day it drew out the stuff inside, it is still red but it heals fast. You either have to find a way to not get pimples you can't make them dissappear when they are there. When I was younger I found that just switching soap and using Neutrogena clear soap worked for my face.
You should see a dermatologist. Don't ever pop because then you'll just have scars. I rather have a pimple that will go away then a scar that will stay forever.
i gurantee u lemon or lime juice will work just smear it on ur face over night i used it and it works. in a week or less youll see results i use it and i am satisfied

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