Monday, November 21, 2011

Should I use Cleanse my face or wait for the pimple to disapear.?

This may sound stupid, but should I just not use any products until the pimple is gone? or should I continue to exfoilate and cleanse my face. Thanks in advance.Should I use Cleanse my face or wait for the pimple to disapear.?
wash it.

but dont pick!

it will go away in a shorter ammount of time if you keep it clean and let your body heal itself. squeezing or scratching will tear it and may lead to infection. so just leave it be. it will go away sooner.Should I use Cleanse my face or wait for the pimple to disapear.?
you should always wash your face, but make sure not to over wash or else your skin will become irritated
Take a look at this site. In this site you will find many ideas and details about PIMPLES, ACNE, OILY SKIN, DRY SKIN and SCAR'S ON FACE, BLACKHEADS, WHITEHEADS and many Tips also. Many treatments methods are given and a bunch of FAQ's are also given which is very very usefull. So take some time with this site and enjoy . you will also find may links regarding this topic's so you can also look in to that also.
you should always wash your face! put toothpaste on your pimple then honey the next day.
Cleanse like normal, but don't over do it. Be sure to use moisturizer, because a dry face can lead to pimples as well! If you break out from moisturizer (like me) be sure to get an oil free one!
You definitely need to Wash your face every night and every morning. If you don't the pimples will never go away. Only exfoliate once a week.

Try out this link.It worked wonders for me!

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