Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do i stop a pimple from coming on my face?

im feeling like a pimple is comin on my chin.... and i have a really big party saturday and i DO NOT WANT A PIMPLE! how do i prevent it from coming?How do i stop a pimple from coming on my face?
Clearacil (sp?) has a 4 hour acne vanisher cream stuff.. Put it on like every 3 hours and it should make it go away by tomorrow or friday at the latestHow do i stop a pimple from coming on my face?
You just need to go out and buy a good face cleanser and use it twice a day (morning and night). Don't touch your face too much and don't eat junk food until then, if that doesn't help (which it should) just cover it up with some concealor.

I have a feeling someone's going to make a sexual joke out of this...some moron on here is not going to be able to resist to comment on how you asked's like I just know there'll be some immature person to do that.
since i grew up in the ghetto i know all the home remodies toothpaste is the answer! trust me it works haha
TRUST ME! WASH YOUR FACE EVERY DAY AFTER SCHOOL! That's what my mom told me, and i haven't gotten a pimple for a while! You could also use Garnier Nutritionister detoxifying gel cleanser! It really helped me!
acne treatment and cleanse a lot.

acne treatments hep a lot!

try clearasil or clean and clear.

toothpaste may help also. (put it on at night)

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