Monday, July 26, 2010

How to make pimple come to a head?

I have been putting a warm/hot cloth on it for a LONG time and still nothing. I need to pop it (don't tell me not to, I don't need to hear that) as soon as possible. For me, they scar if I do not pop them because there is still the plug under the skin.

What else can I try? I used toothpaste and it did not help.

I'm trying lemon juice at the moment but it is not helping...


Please!!!How to make pimple come to a head?
Actually, you were right to start with. Put a warm, NOT HOT cloth on it. I made the mistake of putting a hot cloth on one and made it look worse because it turns really red. Don't put drying agents on it. Your skin will actually start producing MORE oil because it thinks it's too dry. Use a gentle cleanser and keep up with the warmth. Good luck!How to make pimple come to a head?
Yes, i too pop my pimples. I pop mine with a needle, they drive me crazy and if you manage to prick even a tiny hole in it, all the bad juices can then gently be squeezed out and you're on your way!

Ensure your needle is sterilised so you don't get an infection. If you are really sensitive to pain, you could try applying some anasthetic cream which will numb it first (I LOVE that stuff, has so many uses)

Good luck!
Try doing nothing and just waiting it out.
AFAIK they scar and holes if you pop it.. if you leave it to heal itself the scar may seem to remain but your skin does not loose its evenness. popping makes all holes in the skin and the moment your skin becomes loose it shows up..

but if you still want to go about it.. show a dermatologist. S/he will give u cream to reduce the oil glands secretion in your skin. Believe me it will be a long term improvement.
SOME times they just wont come up and just start retreating. I just had one recently like that. Have you tried a face steam? Be careful after water boils, turn off and stand over it with towel over head to get steam on face for a couple minuents but please be careful.

Alcohol and i'm not talking about the kind you drink.

Take a cotton swab and keep dabbing the pimple, the alcohol should draw out it out and to a head.

That and hot water will work along with the alcohol
Vaseline has always worked for me.
This might sound a bit painful but it's what I do... I get a really thin needle-like nail (actuall a needle would work too) and I just kind of... pop it... It might bleed a little though. Make sure the needle is clean.

I have pretty good skin and I've never gotten scarring before (and I pop them when I do get them... i just have to!).

I also use a needle/nail for black heads too. It just takes some playing around with.
Aspirin contains Beta hydroxy acid which is a powerful defoliant ,so you can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at
MM could always try getting a wet towel and put tons of pressure on it 2 ur head and move it back and forth real quick, should make it go away.

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