Monday, July 26, 2010

How do you get rid of a Pimple that is INSIDE your nose?

Please peoples, it hurts like hell D:How do you get rid of a Pimple that is INSIDE your nose?
Q-Tip and hydrogen peroxide or 90% alcohol, and it will pop on its own.How do you get rid of a Pimple that is INSIDE your nose?
apply toothpaste on it which will cool it down and reduce the swelling

There are many home remedies for skin ailments, and people covere their face in all sorts of creams and potions. Some common antizit home remedies people try concocting include baking soda, vinegar, coffee grounds, Mercurochrome (a red substance no longer sold in this country), iodine, hemorrhoid cream, sugar, salt, and toothpaste.

But how to use them watch out the given link:
OMG!! I HAVE BEEN WONDERING THAT FOREVER!! i was just embarrassed to ask! it depends how far in it is i have had one really far up then lol u gotta stick ur finger up there and pop it the was to make it easier to pop is just get a Q tip and put warm water on it and put it over the pimple for at least 5 min or until the q tip is cold and the POP! lol Hope i helped!
Yes those do hurt, but it'll go away soon. It's just like any other pimple.

You can try to bust it if you can reach it. Otherwise, just try some pain relief ointment.
pick it like a booger


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