Friday, August 20, 2010

How can I get rid of pimple/acne scars?

the home remedy i've found that works the quickest and with great results is egg yolk. spread across the acne scars and leave on until they dry [about 15-20 min]. then wash off. for best results, apply 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. after one week, you should see significant results. even after one day youll see results. i saw more results using egg yolk in reducing redness than when using aloe vera.

also, if you place a cold green tea bag on the acne scar and keep doing this repeatedly, the scars will fade quickly

egg whites can be used as a mask too

to tighten pores and dry up pimples.

also, i know this may be annoying of me to remind you when you probly already know but whatever:

change ur pillow case every other day

use clean towel when cleansing

drink hella water

use moisturizer with spf15 or higher [when leaving the house]

make sure acne scars are moisturized cuhz they heal faster when they are.

buy a multivitamin at walmart . they have one esp. for women. i thnk its called one a day? get the generic brand. multivitamins are good, esp. if they contain zinc, vitamin e and vitamin c. vitamin a= good for skin. eggs contain vitamin a. also, tomato contains it and i heard that applying tomato topically is really good for acne/acne scars also cuhz it tightens the pores.

if you have any q's, email me [:How can I get rid of pimple/acne scars?
vitamin E

ALSO ie seen commercials that you go to like perhaps shoppers or somewhere that specializes in skin products and there is a product that is MENT TO get rid of scarsHow can I get rid of pimple/acne scars?
the best way that i have found is find a good lotion (without patrolium) with lots of vitamin E in it :)
You really can't unless you get Fraxel, which is a very expensive treatment provided by a dermatologist (approx $3500 for six treatments).
some scars that are bad are permanent-you can try using that Bio-Oil or Mederma. It helps fade them slowly
鈻?try putting lemon on your scar everyday but don't put lemon if you are going out, just put it if you are inside the house. at night is a good time
Am currently using a unique product!! Removed my zits, and gave some of my friends,apparently helped in their scarring and wrinkles as well.
proactive, or acnefree.
you can put lotion on it everyday... it will go away
I would try Mederma. You could get it at any drug store. If that doesn't work, I would talk to a dermatologist to see if they could prescribe you something
You can use clean and clear it gives you results that NO! other product csn doo

thats ny prospective :D
scars? ask a dermatologist...but if they are just acne marks they'll go away on their own in a few months
you cant really get rid of the scars but facials and spa treatments can help soften your skin so they're less noticable =D
You can fade them away using papaya kojic and licorice base soap and cream which are available online. These work wonders.

Maybe it will work on you too.

Try searching it through Google 'shopaholic's bargains'

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