Friday, August 20, 2010


i have 1 pimple.

just woke up and it's kinda yellow?!


help plz! xXPimple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
DON';T WORRY, ITS JUST A PIMPLE, JUST ONE!!!! don't pop it..... just wash ur face as usual, when u go 2 bed u can put a little toothpaste on it OR a little honey.... i heard they both work but i like 2 use toothpastePimple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
The best way to pop it and get rid of it is by getting 2 q tips and sqeezing the stuff out until al ittle blood comes out thats when a itll go away and if you use your hands you are irritating it more bc of the dirt and germs you may have under or on your finger nails and then just buy that clearasil cream that gets rid of it fast with one application and that should fix it
i got his thing from the store its a blemish remover it is like a tool with little circle things at the end and when you push downit pops ur pimple bu the best part is it is as fast a poping it iwht ur naila and it doesnt leave a red mark where ur pimple was...btw everyone gets one its okay
I recently bought this tube of a substance called ';salicylic acid'; and it makes my pimples go away practically over night. Be sure to use it at night and apply lotion during the day to keep your skin from drying out. A slight burning is normal, but nothing too bad. Hope this works for you!
I would pop it. If its yellow that means its filled with puss. The only way to get it out is to POP it unless you want to wait 2-3 weeks. Or it will get bigger for a few days then in about 3 weeks it might be gone. Pick the easy way!
Keep in mind the more you play with it, the bigger it gets, usually hot soaked towel will make fluid come up so you can pop it with a needle…

Everyone gets pimples, even guys, don't feel bad.
Exfoliate your skin and then use tooth paste to dry it out that's all you can do!

Don't touch or pick at it!!
So you have a pimple. It will go away. Or you can pop it.
Try applying warm water on it on a paper towel. Or is it's ready, pop it.
wash your face with soap everyday, the yellow stuff is the puss. don't worry it'll be gone soon.
2 choices

either pop it

or use some sort of cream like proactiv

get all of that nasty stuff out and then leave it alone
well wat i would do is wash it with soap and then keep doing it every 15 mins...
just pop it cuz with all the puss in there it will never go away. good luck. o nd dont freak everyone gets pimples
Pop it...
Pop it

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