Monday, August 23, 2010

What is the FASTEST way to get rid of a pimple?

i have the neutrogena spot cream which claims to get rid of spots in 8 hours which is pure BS..i rarely break out but when I do it's always one stupid zit on my forehead or my nose on special occasions like my graduation day, my best friends wedding, my birthday and i hate it!!! i need to know what's the fastest way to get rid of those suckers!What is the FASTEST way to get rid of a pimple?
Your hormones produce more oil when you are stressed and the oils trap your pores and cause the breakout. First thing is context. Relax, breath and let the body mind take over when you start to create that internal dialogue about fear of big events and breakouts. Clean your face morning and night and exfoliate the dead skin out of your pores. If you have bleak heads or white heads, don't use your fingers to pop them the oils in your hand will react with the oils in your face and cause a bigger irritation to the skin. Use a tissue or and be gentle in popping so as not to irritate the skin too much. Next put a topical fix\acne cream over the affected area. Also eat healthier and drink lots of water to get the internal repair systems working in your body. It starts with your internal dialogue to yourself...whatever you self talk says to your subconcious is what it will work on behind the scenes. If you focus on breakouts you will manifest it, if you focus on a belief that you are doing everything right and that you are going to be blushed, smooth and beautiful going forward then that is what will happen as well. Good luck.What is the FASTEST way to get rid of a pimple?
I have the same thing. instead of getting the normal breakouts like my freinds, i get random zits and pimples in random spots. i know this hurts a little bit, but not that much, what you need to do it pop it. the way i pop it wich is the most efictinve and most painless is i take my middle finger and my thumb or my pointer finger and my thumb and i try to just peel the very top off. you will know when it is popped either when you see white stuff come out or clear stuff come out. it might bleed a little bit but not for too long. after it is popped, squeeze it so that all the pus is out. after that, either wash it out with soap and water or rinse it with a tad bit of rubbing alchohol. it might be red for a little while, but if you do it before you go to bed, it will be fine in the morning. hope i helped.
I never really had bad acny, but everytime I did get a pimple or cluster of...

I would pop it as soon as it was popable, regardless of pain. The faster you get that nasty stuff out of there the faster it can start healing. Right after popping it stick some soap on it, the idea is to take out the puss and replase with soap. Then imidiatly clean with cold, i said COLD water, close that lil bugger back up.

If your one of those people were a single pimple ozzes a 1/2 cup a day then im not sure..just gotta ride it out.
You need to not pop them, because that damages your skin. I use Clean %26amp; Clear products to wash my face each night, and then I just use a cheap brand product that I buy at the grocery store every night. And in the morning my acne is gone and it stays away! You just have to remember to put it on every night!

I also use Clearasil sometimes, when I'm breaking out really bad, then it goes away quicker. Your preference I guess.
First don't try to pop it. When you pop you have a risk of it getting infected. Try to wash your face really good around the area. Then if you have some sort of mask (like I have the refining mask from proactive) put a little blob of that on there. After the mask you can put what i suggest proactive's advanced blemish treatment. Most of the time it will work with one application but after putting it on for a few nights the pimple is gone.

Hope this helps!
if you do it right, popping it is a quick fix for a hurry. Just pop it and try to get all the white stuff out. It probably will bleed a bit, just wipe it with an acne pad (like Stridex, that stuff is great) and it may be red for like 10 minutes, but it should be good to go and not come back until you have time to really apply the heavy duty stuff (like Proactiv, that **** is awesome.)
Get proactive.

That **** doesn't work much so I'd suggest you go get yourself checked with a doctor and after that you can get an appointment with a doctor that specializes in skin care. This is the way to go, trust me.
Hot compresses will help the pimple come to the top. Use very hot water on a wash cloth and hold it on the pimple for about two minutes or so. Keep repeating, if necessary.
What I do is pop it, put hydrogen peroxide on it so it won't scar, then put ice on it to reduce swelling and redness. Then I put a little cover up on it so its not even noticeable. Hope that helps.
Put ice on it. It won't get rid of it but it will reduce the swelling then you can put coverup on it.
rip the top of it off before you go to bed and put rubbing alchol on it or got to the doctors so they can give you some stuff.
Pop it, then put tooth paste on it, then put a band aide over it and leave it on over night. Trust me IT WORKS! The tooth paste dries out the zit.
I recommend using a buck knife, fire or hydrochloric acid for permanent removal.
It all depends on your skin. Like with mine, if I pop the pimple its gone within a few minutes, no blemish or scar left.
i have same problm wash ur face EVERY nite and and alwasy keep it clean DONT touch ur face it speads germs and bactiria! by then it shuld be nice n clear :)
Get a friend to suck on it.

acholol(not like drinking)

suree it worrkss
photoshop =)
Pop it. If you are fair skinned make sure you use peroxide afterwords of it could scar
put toothpaste on it the night before

make sure its paste and not gel

that usually works
keep the pimple clean!
Belt sander
Have enough sleep... It works for me... That's why they call it beauty rest...
clean and clear spot treatment
make sure you treat it. Clean your face with alcohol. that should help:)
clean and clear works overnight no joke
be a man and pop it!
lol i hear pee works its said to have some sort of acid in it
chop your head off

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