HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i have a huge pimple on my nose and i v,e tried everything! neosporn,baking soda,toothpaste, and poping it but every time within ten minutes its back plz hepl me!How do i get rid of my pimple?
you need some proactiv for that shiz.How do i get rid of my pimple?
The best thing i have found (and it sounds rediculous but really really really works !) is for you to get a bowl and put a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of warm water and mix it up to a thick paste (if its too watery add mor sugar if its very thick then add a touch more water) and then dab it onto the pimple and make sure there is a decent amount on the pimple and leave it on when you go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning the pimple will be really small if there at all and the redness with be completley gone. Seriously, It works !!! I learned that from my mother in highschool and every time a break out happens i go to the sugar cabinet lol
Also, if your really desperate, go out and buy a bottle of Tea Tree oil and after you wash your face out about ten drops into your palm and rub it all over your face. It will be VERY VERY strong and stinks really bad but the next morning the pimples will be dried out.
Hope that helps !!!
Your insurance (if you have it, hopefully) probably covers a dermatologist of your choice, and they have excellent topical prescriptions now.
I love Differin, and it really works in about a day, without anything coming back. The prescriptions fight the bacteria that make them keep coming back.
Over the counter- anything with benzoyl peroxide, but it takes longer than prescription stuff.
It's tempting to pop it, but that's how you get scars. Better to use a topical ointment and wash your face with good face soap regularly, to prevent it in the first place.
You need to get some Clean %26amp; Clear Acne Spot Treatment. That works for me on my sudden breakouts--especially during that time of the month. On prom day last year, I had a horrible zit, used the spot treatment, and it was gone within the evening. However, you have to leave it alone or it won't get'll only get infected. Hope you get to feeling better. I know exactly how you feel. I did try ProActiv Solution for awhile and it helped, but when it got too expensive for me, I stopped using it, and my acne came back.
TIPS: Never pop, pick,or squeeze a pimple or else it can get worse!\
Okay you can use some kind of medicated acne(pimple) wash or cleanser and use it everyday. I got rid of mine once by taking out the white dot in the middle of it. lol...I thought it was a white head. Then the pimple disappeared the day after that. I would say cleansers and stuff take a long time!
If you don't have access to proactiv right away, put a warm compress on it. Take an aspirin [it will make it look less red %26amp; inflamed] %26amp; drink a lot of water.
But if you're able to, pick up a spot treatment. Proactiv refining mask is really excellent, but you'll most likely have to order it. [Though the mall that I shop at sells it from one of those little stands in the center]
The other product I love is Burt's Bees spot treatment. They sell it at Target.
Most of all, stop touching it!
get some benzoyl peroxide. it is anywhere, a pharmacy, even walmart. shower ALOT so the steam will open and tighten. whatever you do, don't touch it or around it, you'll have more trouble in a week or two when another pimple pops up from the bacteria you put into from your fingertips.
get that benzoyl peroxide and i would put neosporin on it to help fix the breakage in the skin.
hope this helps. pimples SUCK!
use a real acne medication. My fav is Revitol but there are a lot of good ones out there. If you stick toothpaste on your nose it won't heal your zit, but it will make you look dumb. Here's a link if you want to try the Revitol acne medication. It basically cleared my face up in a few days, and I had really bad acne.
put a needle up against a flame and jab it in 3 different spots. then press a heated pad on it to draw all the pimple-stuff out.
use clean and clear. the stuff that comes in the little white bottle. the spot treatment. its awesome鈥?/a>
I did this, and my skin is perfect now:)
Get a prescription or if you need a quick fix then get neutrogena on the spot acne cream. YOU ONLY NEED A TINY BIT otherwise it burns like hell
use Differin, my friend uses it and she says it works really well.
proactiv refining mask.
works for me.
proactiv solution buddy
just some clearasil ultra or some neutrogena on the spot acne medication, works just fine
proactiv refining mask
proactive spot treatment or refining mask
chainsaw and elmer's glue
you gotta get all the white juice from the pimple. SQUISH!
pop it
well proactiv sucks!!!!
u and me can put boiling water on it and mayb some face mask
time will heal it :D
i %26lt;3 u
sudo u have that in the usa?
talk 2 a doctor they should know best
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